P-04-671 Legislation of Assisted Dying

This petition was submitted by Joshua Smith, having collected 154 signatures.

Textof the Petition

As of the recent vote of no in the UK Parliament I did some research into the topic. I discovered that 82% of the general public believe that a doctor should probably or definitely be allowed to end the life of a patient with a painful incurable disease at the patient's request. People with a terminal illness are unable to end their life with dignity in the UK, currently having to go to Dignitas in Switzerland or living out their days in pain, which to me is not just. I call for the legalisation of assisted dying for those that are terminally ill. Even if a person has 3 months left to live, that's three months less pain and suffering. I would like to end with a quote by Brittany Lauren Maynard whom discovered she had an inoperable brain tumour and chose to end her life with dignity at the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland. Please, help Brittany's dream come true, so others won't have to endure such painful suffering. "I want to see a world where everyone has access to death with dignity".

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